Where exactly is Vietnam located on the cultural map?

Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia between two large countries, China and India. Vietnam is especially influenced by Chinese culture, whereas other Southeast Asian countries, such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, are more influenced by Indian culture.

For hundreds of years, Vietnamese kings followed the Chinese model of ideology, culture and religion in their reigns. Thus, Vietnam is rooted in the East Asian cultural sphere, which has Buddhism and Confucianism at its spiritual core. Vietnamese people’s physical appearance, practice of Confucian ethics, construction of altars for deceased ancestors, worship of Guan Yin (the Woman Buddha) and celebration of the Lunar New Year and the Mid-Autumn festival are the quintessential pictures of East Asian culture in Vietnam.

Colonization and conflict with the West have left indelible impressions on the culture of Vietnam. Today, Vietnam is well-known around the world as “the country of bread and coffee” because these products are widely available and enjoyed nationwide, thanks to the influence of French culture. French architecture scattered throughout Vietnam is a valuable portion of national heritage, as well. American culture has also enriched Vietnamese music, literature, clothing and behavior, and influenced the tolerant lifestyle in the South. India has also shaped the culture of some Vietnamese ethnic minorities, such as the Khmer and Cham tribes.

In reality, Vietnam (especially southern Vietnam) has a culture of openness to, acceptance of and respect for the ideologies of other countries. The nation’s cultural landscape is constantly and unpredictably evolving, making it an ever-fresh and exciting place to experience!